Friday, 24 February 2012

Pictures are worth a thousand words, so it's kinda like I wrote a large blog post...

Meet Tzatziki!

Kanyakumari (most southern point)

Reading on the train

Chillin on the train with Stay-Stay

Checkin out the rose garden in Ooty

Relaxing with Paul in the rainforest (golden mist)

Rickshaw ride in Mysore

Stuck shopping with Dylan at the Mysore market
Greeting the sun on the Ganges

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Supplementary Reading

So I've been busy ok? I got a little overzealous with with the two posts in one week thing. Tuckered me right out! I'll be posting hopefully next week once we arrive in Jaipur and are living with our host families. We just finished up in Mysore, and took a 30 hour train from Hydrabad to Varanasi (current location). I'm in a colourful internet cafe looking out onto narrow cobblestone streets meant for pedestrians though I've seen them shared with motorcycles, carts and my personal favourite; water-buffalo (a surprisingly hairy creature).  I'm just a few steps from the Ganges though judging by the glowing fever showing up on my skin, the hour I spent down their in the sun is probably enough for today. We're going on a riverboat ride tomorrow morning on the Ganges to catch the sunrise. 

Anyway, my blog has no pictures and is a little sparse as of right now. Here are some of my friends blogs if you're interested! I think some of them have been keeping up with this blog thing better than me :)

Oh we are also on the UoG and Cannon websites!

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Hunny get the kids! TWO blogposts in ONE week!

I've decided to just mention some other stuff, because I can.

Let's get into what Mysore is all about. It is one of the cleanest cities in India so that fact is much appreciated. Not only is there minimal garbage but everything is swept clean. Like everything. For instance a dirt path, or umm a dirt path is mostly what has caught my attention. Its just too funny seeing broom marks on dirt. Mysore also has this wicked palace that we are visiting this Sunday. It is only lit up on Sunday nights (just between 7:00 and 7:45) so we will have to make sure we get our rickshaws there on time.

Rickshaws in this city have been pretty all over the map for service. I've had a terrible time making it to one particular street, well they can always get me to the correct street but not the part of it I want to be at. I was with two other girls the other night and had a particularly friendly one. He noticed that some guy had offered to drive us home via his motorbike as we were getting in his rickshaw and promptly instructed us never to get on a motorbike. Not because  1) three girls would not have fit 2) we didn't know the guy 3) that could be dangerous BUT because he was not a licenced cab driver and could rip us off. Then he proceeded to pull over, take out his licence and explain how was a licenced cabby for the state of Karnataka and those unlicensed guys will just cheat you. He also continued on (once he realised which neighbourhood we lived in) to mention that Muslims will also cheat us. That's always an awkward conversation to be on the receiving end of... thanks for the advice? The neighbourhood is quite beautiful, finally walked around our dwelling today. I have no idea what jobs those people have but some of these houses put that mansion in Maryhill to shame (shout-out Maryhill!).

The place we are staying and learning at has treated us well so far, but we have had some unexpected moments. One came on one of the first days of classes. Some girls were sitting in their room only to be intruded upon by a monkey who walked across their room, picked up their bananas and left. We got to watch him eat his prize outside of our classroom (he seemed quite proud of himself). So we have learnt to keep doors closed and not to trust monkeys.

I'm typing this blog out on top of our building right now. We have yoga here three mornings a week- no big deal or anything. We just actually do our sun salutation to the rising sun. Oh that reminds me of one quote from our yoga instructor. "Now rise up and salute the sun, healer of all skin diseases". I didn't have the heart to correct him... Just so you know, my yoga is actually improving! Well, my pants ripped on me last time so that must mean I'm getting more flexible right? Right.

Big news. I've purchased my first sari (for about 7 dollars) so hopefully (once it's fitted) I will be able to pass as a real Indian girl soon!

And just in case you were worried I'd be missing food from home- I went out with my friend last night, made raymen noodles (without the sauce) threw some Ragu on it and enjoyed our makeshift spaghetti. Needless to say, it was amazing. 

This weekend we will be visiting two NGO's, one dealing with deaf children and the other focusing on children with special needs. We will also be seeing some sort of palace or, temple (?) and the Chumundi Hills.

Also, thanks for all the emails and messages, I'm missing you guys at home so it's always good to hear from you!