Sunday 8 April 2012

Namaste to Jaipur and Namaste to Dehra Dun

So our time with our host families in Jaipur is almost up!

Just finished school and had our farewell party, it was super sweet and amazing and I'll show you a wicked slideshow of our trip if you'll give me the time when I get home :)

So yesterday was our last day as a group. We did an exit survey then said our goodbyes, so sad. BUT on the positive I saw a parade of about 8 donkeys on the way to school- so that was amazing! i love those guys. We also went out to a cricket game for the first time. It was a relatively shorter game- about three hours, and it was fantastic! one of my favourite experiences! the crowd, oh the crowd was just hilarious! it was almost all young, excited, Indian men. We got there an hour early and already the stands were full, everyone standing on their seats just cheering! Once the game actually started i began to realize how similar the experience was to a catholic mass. mostly in the way that i had no idea when to stand up or to sit down... We watched the Rajasthan Royals play the Kolkuta Nightriders. There was so much music and at one point one of our girls started dancing. THIS caused a potential riot. mostly because about 100 guys got on their seats, yelling and clapping just hoping she would dance again. she didn't but the security had to come over to restore the peace.

Anyway, I'm off to Delhi tomorrow morning then going to volunteer at Navdanya (organic seed saving farm)

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